Like all Jews, we mark the weekly "Sabbath" ("Day of Rest") from approximately sundown Friday to approximately sundown on Saturday. Our observance includes Erev Shabbat ("Eve of Shabbat") and Shabbat Sharchari (“Morning of Prayer”) services in the two sanctuaries of our shared campus.


Almost-exclusively lead by our own Rabbi Michael A. Davis, our Shabbat services are about an hour in length and typically include:

  • Piano accompaniment with a number of songs - traditional and our own - with all encouraged to participate

  • Engaging, collaborative spirit and tone

  • Traditional service components follow the Mishkan T'filah: A Reform Siddur - with copies, complete with transliteration, available for all

  • A traditional Torah portion with context before and sermon after

  • An open invitation for names of those in need of prayer and those recently deceased or marking the anniversary of their passing.

  • Onegs ("The Good Stuff") with traditional wine and grape juice and challah as well as a variety of other snacks and beverages to enjoy while socializing.

A few notes on services:

  • Friday evening services are typically held in the “north” (larger) sanctuary and Saturday morning services are typically held in the “south” (smaller) sanctuary.

  • We hold a "Family Service" on the first Erev Shabbat of the month with a special, kid-focused siddur on the first Friday of each month.

  • Our talented choir performs regularly at Erev Shabbat services.

  • Friday services in July are guest-lead, abbreviated, and do not include the Torah service. We do not hold Saturday services in July.


Visitors, including non-Jews, are welcome to attend our regular services. Please contact the WJCC prior to close of business the week that you plan to attend. Groups interested in scheduling a visit should also contact the WJCC office.


If, for whatever reason, you are not comfortable, able, or eligible to participate in-person - don’t fret. We will continue, until further notice, to offer virtual participation ON FACEBOOK.